+ Ayurveda . In partnership with Prana Veda Academy (Poona-India)

SPINACH JUICE or Spinach Smoothie has more flavor and fun to drink than eating the regular vegetable. Its famous with the title of 'Power-juice'. This one is highly rich in Vitamin C, B complex, A, E and K, and minerals like manganese, calcium, iodine, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. 

Before you juice spinach leaves, try to wash them thoroughly, under tap water as spinach grows quite near to the soil, so the effect of fertilizers is more as compared to other vegetables. Try to grow spinach in your own backyard, if possible, just to stay away from the harmful effects of the fertilizers.

To add more fun n flavor to this green spinach smoothie, you can add carrots, apple, kiwi fruit, coriander leaves, mint leaves or anything you want. Adding fresh coconut water to this green smoothie makes it naturally sweet n super-delicious!!!



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Comentario por +AYURVEDA el julio 25, 2012 a las 8:18pm


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