+ Ayurveda . In partnership with Prana Veda Academy (Poona-India)

Ayurvedic Massage : The Gateway to Body, Mind & Soul's Relaxation

Ayurvedic massage  typically known as Abhyanga in Ayurvedic texts is primarily a technique to provide physical & mental relaxation, stimulate blood circulation and elimination of toxins. Abhyanga or Massage is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response. A form of therapy, massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation.
Abhyanga is an important daily or weekly practice and also has its special therapeutic value. Proper Abhyanga removes fatigue, increases muscular tone and flexibility of joints, alleviates Vata, improves circulation to the organs and the skin, eliminates waste products through the skin, stimulates the nervous system, prevents aging and increases longevity.
Abhyanga even helps to rejuvenate the body. Traditional Abhyanga techniques are based on the doshas & marmas (pressure points as in reflexology). Marma-point massage is a respected component of Ayurvedic healing and is also used in the therapeutic treatments during Panchkarma. Wherever massage is used for its physiological, mental, and mechanical benefits, it may be termed "therapeutic massage" or a manipulative therapy. There are 108 marma points in the body. Massaging in clockwise movements stimulate and energize a marma point, while anti clockwise motions break up blocked energy held within a point.
Marma are places in the body-mind where Purusha (the man) is united with Prakriti (nature) to bring living being. Marams are the crossing points of consciousness currents in our body-mind and are the places where mind, life-force (prana) and consciousness (or awareness) interface and crossover. There most common application is healing bodywork. They are also very important in Yoga and meditation.
There are various types of Ayurvedic massages.
Oil massage
Oil massage is an important Ayurvedic treatment. It is relaxing to the body and mind, nourishes the skin, and improves the circulation and removes toxins. Oil massage is known in Sanskrit as Abhyanga. Medicated oil should be massaged on the whole body, including the head and feet. Regular oil massage removes excess fat from the skin, and makes the skin glossy, soft and strong. It protects the skin from dryness, cracking and roughness.
Persons of Vata constitution should use medicated oils prepared from demulcent herbs like shatavari, ashwagandha, or bala (like Narayana oil) and it should be applied while the oil is warm. Simple sesame oil can also be used. Regular massage is essential for keeping Vata under control. Persons of Pitta constitution should apply medicated oils using sandalwood or vetivert (like Chandabalalakshadi). Simple coconut oil can' also be used. Those of Kapha constitution should use mustard or other light oils. As a result of oil massage, health is preserved, disease is prevented, and immunity increased.
Regular oil massage to the head inhibits premature hair loss or graying of the hair and promotes sound sleep. By massaging the soles of the feet and the legs, the eyesight is improved, cracks to the skin of the feet are prevented, and the reproductive system is strengthened.
Other Types of Ayurvedic Massage
A. Dry massage:
Various non-oily substances are used for massage, including medicated oils, herbal pastes or powders, pieces of brick, wood, metal balls, or sand. In addition to oil massage, Ayurveda describes four types of massage each utilizing different substances to enhance its beneficial effects. 
Udvartana Massage - Dry body massage is called udvartana and is done by using soft, fragrant powders derived from herbs. Udvartana is carried after a thorough oil massage or abhyanga, as it is meant to remove the excess oils left over on the body from oil massage. It is a routine procedure done after Abhyanga or regular oil massage. Udvartana massage is done with gram flour, garbanzo, or moong flour, around the nadis or body’s energy meridians. It helps to rejuvenate the body, remove body fatigue, promote eyesight, overcome some skin problems & strengthen dhatus. The feeling, like the powder, is misty and sensuous. Udvartana balances kapha, liquefies adipose tissues, smoothens the skin, strengthens and tightens the body. 
 Udgharshana Massage - Rubbing the body with powdered medicine without mixing oil or other liquid ingredients is known as Udgharshana. Udgharshana massage pacifies Vata, cures itching, rashes & eruptions. It also dilates the orifices of blood capillaries and increases skin's temperature by which friction of the body with brick powder stimulates the heat of skin and cures itching and rashes etc. Udgharshana massage uses the dry powder of herbs that provoke heat and open the pores of the sweat glands on the skin. It can also be done by using sand. Powders of calamus, lodhra, and shikakai are used. Calamus is best for small children. 
Utsadana Massage – Producing friction in the body with coarse powders of minerals, clay or wood powder is known as Utsadana  massage. It mostly uses pieces of brick, small cuttle-fish bones, or wood sticks and has a scraping action on the skin. It is also used for removing excess oil from the skin after Abhyanga or. oil massage, but has a stronger or harsher action.  
B. Non-Oily Massage 
Annalepana Massage - Is done with medicated boiled rice. First the rice is cooked along with its husks. Then some milk is boiled along with the herbal formula Dashamula and small ,balls of cooked rice are put into it. These are then taken out. and put in a cloth bag, with about two hands full of rice in each bag. First oil massage is done and then massage is done with rice in a downward direction, starting below the head. Massage is done on the chest, back, hands, and legs. Then the rice paste is removed and hot oil is applied again. After removing the excess oil, a hot water bath is taken.
Lepana (Herbalized Mud Treatment) - This is a massage treatment in which a medicated herbal paste is applied over the entire body and allowed to dry. It is then removed using a special deep tissue technique which leaves the muscles and fascia revitalized and flexible. This treatment is traditionally given for obesity as well as various types of inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, muscular strains, and circulatory imbalances. 
C. Ayurvedic Head Massage
 This is an ancient technique to relax and relieve mental fatigue and confusion.  It helps to create more clarity and regenerate the mind and brain activity for better functioning.  The oils used for this massage contain herbs that are calming to the mind, and stimulant to the brain, nerves and sensory organs.
D. The Garshana massage
Another form of daily massage is the dry Garshana massage. This is down with light vigorous strokes and without oil. However, this does require the use of raw silk gloves. It is said to help in the break down of fat though the process of increasing blood and lymphatic circulation. The can also help to clean and exfoliate the skin, which makes the massage oils more effective and the absorption rate higher. Since this can be done daily, it may be worthwhile to do this prior to the oil massage. 
Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage
Massage stimulates the internal functions of the body and provides nourishment to various body tissues. It helps in cleansing the toxins from channels. Massaging with oil provides lubrication to various body mechanisms. It stimulates the different agni (enzymes), increases assimilation of food and increases the vital body fluid called the Ojas. It works at both mental and physical levels of the body. It is beneficial in the case of insomnia, weakness of nerves, laziness, exhaustion, general debility, dry and unhealthy skin. Giving a massage to the partner also help to maintain a loving relationships with its soothing relaxation.

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